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Guam / Saipan BGTours News Blog

History of Guam

Primer on Chamorro History & Culture Pt. 2

Chamorro culture is unique in the pacific. They have their own myths and storytelling traditions. The Chamorro also have their own unique dancing and singing styles, different from other Polynesian cultures. So before you head for Guam, read up on the Chamorro culture with part two of this primer.   Storytelling Storytelling is the traditional way of passing down knowledge from one generation to the next among the Chamorro. Storytellers are venerated members of Chamorro society and are viewed as educators. Chamorro culture is filled with myths and legends that are passed down for entertainment and education purposes.   Myths & Legends Local legends are a very important part of Chamorro culture. The Chamorro even have their version of the Romeo and Juliet story.  The legend of Puntan Dos Amantes tells of two Chamorro who loved each other, but couldn’t…

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August 14, 2017

Primer on Chamorro History & Culture Pt. 1

The Chamorro, the indigenous people of Guam, have a history that isn’t widely known. And despite resurgence in interest, their culture is still not widely understood.  So before you visit Guam, brush up with part 1 of this primer. History The Chamorro are the indigenous people of Guam. Archaeological evidence shows that the Chamorro people, linked by language and culture, have lived in the Marianas Islands, including Guam, for more than 4000 years. The Spanish began colonization of Guam in the mid-16th century. During this period, Spanish customs and the language were imported to Guam. The Spanish also converted the native Chamorro population to Catholicism. In 1898 the United States took Guam during the Spanish-American War. The island briefly came under Japanese occupation during WWII but was recaptured by U.S. forces. After WWII, Chamorro leaders lobbied for greater autonomy for…

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August 8, 2017